Join us on campus or bring our digital tools into your homes and classrooms – we have over 100 outreach programs that offer a glimpse inside our labs, our classrooms, and our innovative spirit.
The MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program is a year-round, coeducational, multicultural college preparatory program for high…
2025 registration to open by April 2025. The program provides an introductory sampling of hands-on…
Designed by teens for teens, Teen Science Cafes bring together scientists and students, grades 8-12…
MIT+K12 Videos is an educational outreach media program in the Office of Digital Learning. We…
MIT BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies) is a collection of over…
The Women in STEM Database at MIT (WiSDM) is an initiative designed to promote the visibility of women in our…
MIT App Inventor is an intuitive, visual programming environment that allows everyone – even children…
A citizen science initiative from the Early Childhood Cognition Lab at MIT. This website has…